The beautiful country of Bangladesh is geographically located in the Northeastern part of South Asia. It is surrounded by the boundaries of India and Myanmar. West Bengal of India borders to the west of Bangladesh and to the east lie dense forest region and hilly area of of Tripura and Mizoram of India. Mainstreams of the rivers the Brahmaputra (Jamuna), Padma (Ganges), the Meghna and the Karnafuli add to the beauty of the country. Bangladesh is one of the most densly populated countries in the world. It is ranked seventh most populous country.
Bangladesh is one of the most visited destinations in Asia with several tourist attractions in the country. Tourists from Asia appreciate world class archeological sites in Bangladesh. Historical mosques and monuments are famous among the travelers from all over the Asian continent. Besides the historical fame in Asia, Bangladesh attracts tourists due to its culture, language and literature. Rich literary heritage of Bengali language are being shared with India and West Bengal.
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